Interested in learning more about your cosmetic dental treatment options and the conditions they can treat? Our Orléans dentists provide some helpful information below to get you started!

Learn to love your smile!

Some of the services we can provide to help restore your smile and boost your confidence are listed below! Our team of dentists at St. Joseph Orléans can provide a variety of cosmetic dental services to improve the appearance of your smile.

Teeth Whitening

If you are considering teeth whitening services, there are two types available to choose from.

  • In-office teeth whitening: This is accomplished by employing a strong whitening solution and a bright light. This method is intended to yield immediate results, allowing you to leave the office with a new, bright smile in a short period.
  • Customized take-home whitening kits: This is a more gradual approach. The whitening solution is not as effective as the one used by our professionals in the office. This option, on the other hand, might be more suitable for you if you want a more hands-on alternative that you can manage yourself at home.

With our teeth whitening services, we can help you remove any discolourations on your teeth and brighten your smile in a safe, convenient way!

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a natural-looking solution for filling gaps left by missing teeth in your smile. It is a titanium-based artificial tooth root that is surgically anchored to your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge in place.

  • In addition to patients with tooth gaps, patients who have weak teeth may also benefit from dental implants, as long as their bone structure is still intact.
  • The entire dental implant procedure can take anywhere from two to nine months to complete. It will differ according to your treatment plan. The replacement teeth are typically fitted and adjusted over two months.
  • Treatment reactions differ from patient to patient, and the same can be said about the healing process. Healing can last anywhere from six weeks to several months.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped pieces of porcelain. Porcelain veneers may be the solution for you if you have severely discoloured or stained teeth, teeth that are too small or large, or teeth that are worn or chipped. Before bonding the veneers to the front of your teeth, our dentists customize them to match the shape and colour of your natural teeth.

Depending on the condition of your teeth, veneers may be a better option for you other than whitening or other cosmetic treatments. 

Full-Mouth Restoration

Do you have teeth that are severely worn down, missing, or badly damaged? If this is the case, a full-mouth restoration may be able to solve all of your problems. A full-mouth restoration will combine several cosmetic dental procedures to improve the appearance of your smile.

If you are looking to enhance your smile, contact our Orléans team to book a cosmetic dental treatment appointment or consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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New Patients Welcome

At St. Joseph Orleans Dental Centre, we're always happy to accept new patients into our dental family. Contact us to get started today. 

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