Our Orléans dentists describe what you can expect before, during and after Invisalign treatment, and how Invisalign can help you achieve a straighter smile.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a series of custom-made clear aligners that can help straighten your teeth without using traditional wire and metal braces.

Typically, you’ll wear each set of aligners for about two weeks before switching to the next set in the series. During that time, the aligners will make gradual, tiny adjustments to your teeth.

Your dentist will assess your specific needs and determine the length of your treatment plan. During your treatment, you can remove your custom aligners to drink, eat, brush, and floss. Here are five ways your smile will change as a result of your treatment:

Improved Cleanliness During & After Treatment

Because Invisalign trays are removable, you can remove the trays when you are ready to brush and floss. You'll be able to ensure you brush and floss all your teeth thoroughly during treatment. 

You can also clean your Invisalign clear aligners by rinsing them or using the Invisalign cleaning crystals. This will help you keep your teeth and gums healthy while they are straightened.

Straighter Teeth

Before you begin your treatment, your teeth may be gapped, crooked or misaligned. Invisalign can help treat any of these issues - individually or in combination.

Your results will vary depending on your individual treatment plan, but as long as you follow the prescribed treatment plan, you can expect to see straighter teeth when you look in the mirror after Invisalign.

Gaps between your teeth may also be reduced, and your bite may also improve. Regardless of the issues that were treated, you’ll likely find that you enjoy sharing your new, straighter smile with everyone you meet.

Better Dental Health

Every one of your teeth will receive just the right amount of pressure for the right amount of time if you wear your Invisalign clear aligners properly and only remove them when necessary to eat, drink, or clean your teeth. The total number of aligners you will wear will be determined by the severity of your misalignment. Straighter teeth will benefit your dental health and gum health in the long run.

No More Crowded or Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned or crowded teeth can impact the physical appearance and contribute to poor oral health. Misalignments can be improved with Invisalign. The key to success is in sticking to the custom treatment plan your dentist will develop for you.

Rather than moving all of your teeth at once, each phase of your treatment focuses on a few at a time. It is critical that you follow the plan your dentist recommends and wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, regardless of the issue being treated. After a successful treatment process, your crowded or misaligned teeth should be straight, allowing you to reveal a more attractive smile.

Increased Comfort Level

Because clear aligners from Invisalign are made of smooth plastic, they can be quite comfortable to wear. Furthermore, because they are made of transparent plastic, the untrained eye will have a difficult time seeing them as they discreetly straighten your teeth.

Would you like more information about Invisalign clear aligners and how they can help straighten your smile? Contact the dentists at St. Joseph Orléans to book an Invisalign consultation.

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